I am going to share 6 tips to help you find your motivation. You can find motivation at the gym, in a book, on TV, or anywhere else; all you have to do is get your head in the game. I was feeling totally unmotivated and it wasn’t until I got my head into what I wanted that things changed for me. When people say they’re having an off day they are really only talking about their mindset; we all have good days and bad days but if you want something badly enough then nothing will stop you from getting it!
Set a goal – set short-term and long-term goals to keep you on track
I’m sure you’ve heard this advice before, but it can’t be said enough: weight loss is a marathon, not a sprint. It’s important to set both short-term and long-term goals so that you know what your immediate goal is as well as how close you are to achieving your ultimate one. Setting these goals will help keep you motivated in the process of losing weight and sticking with healthy habits for life!
Find a workout partner or join an online fitness group for accountability
Finding a workout partner or joining an online fitness group for accountability can make all the difference in your success. Getting up and pushing yourself when you don’t want to is hard, but doing it with someone else makes it much easier. Plus there’s nothing more motivating than being able to share your progress photos and stories with others who are on the same journey as you! Fitness groups like this one provide support, tips, tricks from other moms that have been there too, and amazing recipes!
Get rid of the temptation – remove unhealthy food from your home and go grocery shopping with healthy foods in mind.
If you want to lose weight, the most important thing that you can do is remove unhealthy food from your home. If you have kids, this will require a little more work because kids always seem to find something delicious in the pantry! Start by making sure there are no snacks or chips easily accessible. Make sure all of these foods are stored in a place where you cannot easily access them like high up and out of reach. Out of sight out of mind. Preferably a completely separate cupboard/pantry to your usual daily food.
Reward yourself after you meet your weight loss goals
You’ve done it! You’ve reached a weight loss milestone and now you deserve a reward. But instead of rewarding yourself with food, why not give yourself the gift of time? Spend an extra hour in bed or go for a walk without your kids. Get some much much-needed time that will make you feel better about the weight loss journey ahead.
Keep track of what you eat by writing it down.
If you’ve been trying to lose weight for a while and nothing has worked, it might not be because of your diet. In fact, research shows that tracking what you eat actually helps people lose weight faster than when they don’t keep track. So if you want to see results fast, try writing down everything that goes into your mouth and make sure the calories are below or equal to what is recommended for your goals!
Be patient – results don’t happen overnight, but they will come as long as you stay consistent with your workouts and diet plan!
It’s often said that weight loss is all about calories in and out. It’s true, but you also need to make sure your diet includes plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein foods like chicken or fish, and dairy products. The bottom line? Weight loss will happen if you stay consistent with a calorie deficit while aiming to eat mostly whole food most of the time. This is a lifestyle change, if you go back to your old ways you will gain the weight back.
There are a lot of ways to lose weight, but the most popular way is through diet and exercise. With this in mind, it’s important that you’re aware of what you eat. You may not even realize how many calories your favorite foods contain or just how much sugar they have.