Shannon Billows
Don't count every day, make every day count...

Hi, I’m Shannon
And yes, that was me on the left, I have personally lost 50 kilos and it’s my life’s goal to help others get amazing results.
I was never originally passionate about health and fitness. I wasn’t good at sports and I was extremely overweight but going through my own transformation of losing 50 kilos, gave me the inspiration to pursue helping others in achieving their health-related goals as a career.
Helping people has always been second nature to me, and something that provides me with such an incredible feeling. So after deciding to become a PT, that this was what I want to do for the rest of my life, I knew that guiding people to become the best version of themselves was my calling.
This lead me to read, learn and re-educating myself with $1000’s worth of courses so I could provide my clients with the best version of myself. However the courses only took me so far, it was through experience working with my clients that there is no one size fits all program and your program will be individualized.
My education never stops and working in partnership with my clients to help them achieve their fitness goals only makes this more rewarding.
I work with a wide range of people from brand new rank beginners who have never set foot in a gym to women who are striving to tone up lean down those trouble spots and those who are a bit more advanced and want to take their training to the next level and they all have one thing in common; they become happier in who they are.
Working together, we ensure every nutrition and training programme is 100% specific to you, guaranteeing success in the most sustainable way possible. Together we will teach you how to maintain long-lasting results.
When it comes to finding the best way to success for your needs, I will always look to achieve the maximal possible result, with the least possible change. The less stress training with me has on your life, the more chance we have of success together. So don’t worry, wine is not only acceptable, it is sometimes encouraged! There will be no banned foods, no feeling guilty for meal choices and no going hungry!
I want you to enjoy your fitness journey as much as I enjoy helping you through it.
As for the results, I can promise you’ll love them!
I look forward to working with you,